Thursday, September 15, 2011

Life is Now

We have two hands. You cannot hold on to yesterday with one hand, reach for the future with the other, and expect to fully grasp the beauty of today. Trying to juggle regrets from your past and organize your hopes for the days ahead spreads out your focus and robs you of the present.

What has transpired has formed you, molded you into the person you are at this moment and your journey thus far is a celebration of your uniqueness. Life is messy and our past can leak into our present, dredging up painful memories or reminding us that we’ve made mistakes. It chips away at today and steals energy that can be better utilized in the now...but you don’t have to let it.

Sometimes the future is so enticing, so filled with hopes and wonder that it’s difficult to concentrate on the beauty of the moment. If our current task is a bit banal, it’s tempting to turn our thoughts to the future where life might contain more excitement or fully realized dreams, but what of the present? Why are we willing to rush through our days, hoping for things that may never come?

We are not guaranteed anything beyond the now. No one knows what the future holds, or if it will even come. Right here is where we are, where we truly exist. We all have goals and plans for a great future, but how much better will tomorrow be if we allow ourselves to live every second of today?

Take advantage of the time that you have been given. Relish the very breath you take this second. Grab the opportunity to express your love and gratitude for the people in your life because every experience, every interaction makes our journey richer and more meaningful.

Why wish it all away?

If you're having a difficult time focusing on the here and me. We can enjoy a cup of coffee and share the joy of living in the moment together.

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