Thursday, September 22, 2011


We have all lost something in our lives. We lose jobs, we lose bets...last week I lost an earring. Unfortunately, sometimes we lose people. Between the pain and the numbness, we sit demoralized by the sudden emptiness that invades our world.

The beauty of loss is that in order to lose something, we must have had something of value to begin with. When we lose someone, it means that we had someone who mattered to us. It also means that we mattered to someone as well. Our life was filled with the joy of friendship and we are better because of that bond.

Yesterday I lost a friend. He was a friend who taught me that I could disagree vehemently and passionately with someone, but still share a mutual respect and appreciation. I learned that laughing over our differences was far more enjoyable than allowing intolerance to determine my feelings for others.

Through loss we gain a hollow place in our life that yearns to be filled. We are given a gift, a place to store the memories and the smiles that we’ve collected through the years. We’re given the opportunity to spend some time reminiscing about the events that have shaped us and brought us together.

And all people shape us when they touch our lives.

Had we not risked loss we would have missed out on the person we are today; missed out on the experiences and joys that decorate our past with smiles and laughter. Loss is not easy, but loss means so much more than simply no longer having something of value. Loss means we were blessed enough to have had someone in our life that changed us, loved us, and made us better.

When you find yourself in the midst of pain, missing someone who is no longer with us, remember that their life continues to shine through in the ways they touched your heart.

Peace out my friend.

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