Friday, November 8, 2013

All of Me

This is the place where I normally write down the random thoughts that travel through my addled brain.  For years I have focused on keeping a positive spin on things in hopes that anyone wandering through may find something to make them smile.  Life can be overwhelming and I wanted to offer a word or two of support to those needing help to lighten their load.  

But that’s only one side of me.

For a long time I’ve had this urge to do something more.  In my nearly 45 years of life I’ve faced my own struggles, failed and floundered in a myriad of creative ways before coming to a place of peace and acceptance about myself.  Since then I have had a passion to use my meager skills to work towards tangible change in the lives of those who are the most vulnerable - our children.

I have spent a lot of time and energy trying to find ways to mitigate some of the mental and emotional damage that terrorizes the kids who have had the misfortune to be born in communities that are ruled by poverty to parents who are unprepared to care for them in a society that does not respect them because they are wrapped in skin that is tinted a different color.  This is more than a passion or a job - it is a calling and a privilege. 

Though I remain a positive person and endeavor to share that with those around me, I am also a women with endless passion driven by a tempered anger at the inequality and divisiveness that dominates our society.  It pains me to see the apathy that rules our politics and the petty squabbles that divert precious energy and funds away from creating a more just environment for all humans.

Until now this place has been filled with positive thoughts that have been carefully sterilized so that most of the challenges I deal with on a daily basis never reach your eyes.  However, my work is such a huge part of who I am that separating it from what I send out into the world through this little page is disingenuous.  

From now forward this space will be filled with all of me - the perpetually positive woman who craves a release from the negativity that permeates our culture and the overwhelming desire to speak out against the insanity that separates us and devalues all humanity.

As a rule I don’t delve into a public discourse on politics because it usually grows into a disagreement over which ideology is the correct one - and I don’t find that to be very productive, so it is not something that I will be discussing or debating.  Though I welcome discussion on many topics, because that’s what brings change, debates are a waste of air and serve only to stroke the egos of those too insecure and small minded to consider the validity of opposing views.

Agree with me or don’t.  Read what I write or ignore it. The kind and gentle words that were once at home here will now be a bit more spicy. The uplifting thoughts I once shared will be joined with the heavier concerns that I struggle with. But please know that these are just simple words coming from a very honest heart.