Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Being More

It's that time again when we engage in our annual exercise of self loathing. We make resolutions to weigh less, eat less, and spend less. We wage war against ourselves trying to be less, focusing on the bits we don't like and torturing ourselves in the process.

Why don't we try something new this year? Why don't we focus on being more rather than less? Let's do something wild and revolutionary and fix our attention on those things about us that are good. Let's build upon those characteristics that are positive rather than waste time on the things that we believe to be sub par.

I know, it doesn't feel right to choose positive changes as our resolutions, but this will be me.

Sounds nuts, but think about it for a moment. You possess so many wonderful features that bless the lives you touch. Why start the new year looking at the bad when there is so much that is good about you?

You're smart, funny, charming, and you are the one we turn to when we need to feel cared for. You are the encourager, the one who keeps the faith even when things seem bleak. You are unique and important...and we are so very grateful that you are here.

We don't want less of you, we need more of you. We need more of your joy, your laughter and your support. We need more of your happiness and your beautiful smile. We need more of your kindness and your silly sense of humor.

You were created as a unique and important person...a person with so much to offer. Work to be more encouraging, more charming, more positive...more of the things that make you so wonderful.

So resolve to be more this year. Our lives will be better for having more of you in them.

Not sure how to begin? Call me and we'll figure it out together.

Happy New Year my friend. Be real, be you...and be more.