Monday, October 18, 2010

Gentle Warrior

We all have bad days because we're all fighting our own battles.

Every person you meet today is at war. Every person is struggling with some type of pain...physical or emotional. Every person is dealing with an unpleasant reality and is trying to survive as best they can.

It is pretty normal to want to lash out when faced with disappointment and doubt; to share the pain and spread some grumpiness. Misery loves company, right?

Consider for a moment that waiter who practically ignored you at lunch. Or that grocery clerk who bit your head off. How about your co-worker who emulates Lewis Black and does nothing but shout and complain all day long.

It's more than just an's frustrating.

I have heard that revenge is somewhat cathartic...but it accomplishes little. Go ahead and remind these people that their actions are inappropriate, or tell them you will not tolerate their behavior, but retaliation solves nothing.

Instead, take a moment and consider why this person is in such a foul mood. What battles are they fighting today? Do they have a sick family member? Are they dealing with an emotional loss? Or are they suffering from disappointment or abandonment?

I'm not suggesting we need to analyze people and try to figure out what their issue is...but if you can take a moment and remind yourself that this person's behavior has an unseen cause, you might remember that we all have bad days because we're all fighting a war.

Offer an encouraging word, or a gentle reminder that they are not alone. Your kindness can go a long way towards helping that person win their battle.

When you're having a bad day, how much better do you feel when someone treats you with kindness and respect? Facing our struggles is easier when we take the time to support each other...even strangers.

Life is messy and unpredictable. There are ups and downs and the good times will be punctuated by bad times. That's just how things are and we just have to suck it up and deal with it.

So the next time you see someone who looks like they might be losing their battle, offer kindness rather than retaliation. You might be the cavalry they were waiting for.

If you're having a bad day and need some back-up, give me a call. I've got your back. And I probably have some chocolate I can share to give us the energy to fight on.