Tuesday, July 27, 2010

How to be a Superhero

No, I'm not smoking something illegal, nor am I drinking any sort of alcoholic beverage. I'm completely serious when I say that I have super-human powers and should probably start my own League of Awesome or something.

What is this great power that I have? What incredible abilities have I been blessed with? Well...I am not faster than a speeding bullet and there is no way web-like sticky material is shooting out of my wrist. But, I have other powers that can change the entire momentum of the day. I can alter the mood of a room in a few short minutes. I can even take a sad situation and make it seem not-so-horrible.

How do I do it? Easy...simply refuse to give in to the grumpy (and you know how I feel about grumpy!). Grumpy is contagious, so be prepared! When you hear the grumpies start...you know, the whining, the complaining about innate and mundane issues, don't join in. I know it's easy to get pulled in...but don't.

Negativity is not productive.

Now this is where the super powers kick in. I have the ability to not only stop the negativity, but I also hold the power to change the course of that unproductive conversation and make it positive. When someone starts it...I cut it off and try to point out something positive. A dose of empathy and a constructive point of view...something that detours the pessimistic chatter down a happier road.

I admit I can be lazy and let those habitual complainers just go on and on (sometimes I have a moment of weakness and chime in...ugh). I'm somewhat convinced those continuously negative people are only happy when they are droning on about how much their life sucks. For those for which there is still hope...I swoop in and utilize my powers of positivity to save the day.

There are times when we all just have to vent...complain about that pain in the bootay boss, or throw a fit because life seems overwhelming. That's cool, we all do it and we all need to do it (and it helps when we have people who will listen to us). It's the constant and general whining about the banal and petty that is the issue here.

I'm not saving lives or taking down master villains from other planets like Super Man, but I am making someone's life a little less evil and a lot more productive.

It's God's job to save the world. It's our job to follow His lead and teach it what love looks like.

So...you can be a super hero as well. You can help others escape the horrors of the negativity monster and have a better day...perhaps a better week and beyond.

Sure, it sounds a little cheesy and you're probably tempted to roll your eyes (it's ok, I forgive you). But try it anyway.

If your cat is stuck in the tree...call Spidey or one of those other guys. You want to create a better and more productive environment? Then text me...or learn to do it yourself, but minus the normal superhero tights.

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