Saturday, November 10, 2012

Bitchy Ain't Cute

When did rudeness become a characteristic that we applaud?  Did I miss the memo stating that being a mean-spirited jerk was the new standard of behavior that we should celebrate?

What gives?

I understand that political pundits are supposed to devolve into immature children with their vile, dehumanization of political figures and those who hold to a different ideology then they do because it is part of their schtick...and it is probably in their contract to be as revolting as possible.

Comedians are another breed of entertainers that tend towards the crude and ruthless like wild animals feeding on the pain and vulnerabilities of others.  I imagine that most comedy routines are based on their own personal pain and suffering; sharing it with a willing crowd is perhaps a cathartic release that offers public acceptance and the approval they never had as a kid.

But what about these “reality” shows like the Real Housewives, Bad Girl’s Club and Jersey Shore?  Who came up with the idea that bitchy, whiny and immature people should not only have their appalling behavior glorified, but they should be paid major cash for doing it for the cameras?

I get why the people in the media are rude: they’re getting paid. What I don’t understand is why it has become socially acceptable?  Why have basic manners evaporated...why do people treat each other with such disrespect, even taking to social media to spew their hate?

Maybe because being mean is easy.  Being cruel to another person takes much less energy than being considerate and thoughtful.  But lazy is no excuse to unleash such atrocious behavior onto another human.

When a person treats another unkindly, it speaks volumes about their own issues.  A cruel person reveals their own insecurities as they aim their pain at someone else.  A jerk showcases his or her own flaws and private shame when attacking another person verbally or physically.  One who speaks ill of others, who prefers vengeance to forgiveness, or holds a grudge rather than seeks reconciliation is a person with deep-seated, unresolved pain.

I don’t fear them, I don’t applaud or celebrate them - I pity them.  

Those who choose to spew hatred towards others, whether real or media-related, is a vulnerable soul in need of some compassion and tender care...though their personal issues do not absolve them of their hurtful behavior.  So when you see someone being a jerk, or if you’re feeling a little jerk-like yourself, take a second to understand what is really behind it all.

No, bitchy ain’t cute and there is no excuse for it.  Life is too short and too far too prescious to support bad behavior from adults, and it’s way too short to live with the inner pain that causes it.

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