Saturday, June 2, 2012

Dance Anyway

There will always those who disapprove of you.  There will always be those who judge you, and those people who are uncomfortable with they way you express yourself.  Some people get a little out of sorts when you color outside of the lines, but don’t let that worry you.
Dance anyway.
Everywhere you turn there will be a subtle, yet insidious pressure to blend in and behave.  Conform to the rules and reign in your exuberance or risk a stranger’s scowl.  You place your social acceptance on the line if you sing a bit too loudly or celebrate life a bit too much.
Go ahead, dance anyway.
Our time here is short and unpredictable.  We do not know how many days we will have to celebrate the joys that have been granted to us.  Our hours are precious and we can spend them worrying about what others think, or we can boldly embrace those wondrous moments that make our hearts sing.  Not everyone will agree with our philosophy, but not everyone’s opinion matters.
I say we should dance anyway.
If you have a lifetime ahead of you, or just a few days, I wish you such joy that you cannot help but burst into song.  I wish you laughter that takes your breath away.  I wish you the strength to be who you truly are, even under the gaze of the disapproving.  Yes, life will have its sad times, those hours of excruciating pain that will break you and devour your joy.
When that time comes, give me a call.  Together we’ll find a way to dance anyway.


  1. Replies
    1. I love you too, sweets. Thank you for your support...couldn't do it without you!

  2. This brought tears to my eyes. So beautiful!


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