Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Respect please..hold the anchovies

We have no problem calling up the local pizza delivery place and ordering dinner the way we like it. We don’t call them up and say, “Just send me whatever pizza you’re in the mood to make.” We don’t buy a new car with the options the salesperson really wants, nor do we download the music that our neighbor prefers.

So, if we won’t let anyone else decide what we eat, what we drive, or what we listen to, then why (oh why) do we allow others to dictate how we are treated?

We all have flaws, but that doesn’t mean we don’t deserve to be treated with respect and appreciated for who we are. If we’re not being treated properly, we need to tell them how to do it right.

There are two ways we tell people the way we want to be treated: how we treat ourselves, and how far we allow inappropriate treatment to go without correction.

When we verbally berate ourselves by saying that we’re fat/stupid/no good/etc., we are broadcasting to the world that it is perfectly fine to treat us like dirt. I’m doing it, so why shouldn’t everyone else? Go ahead, disrespect me, it’s completely acceptable.

We all have bad days, but that's no reason to demean ourselves over it.

Another great way to ensure disrespect is to not stand up for ourselves when others have crossed the line. We don’t need to go all medieval on the perpetrator, we can calmly inform them that we did not appreciate [insert behavior here] and we would be grateful if they would refrain from it in the future.

A simple, “It hurts when you say those types of things. Please stop,” should suffice. If this person continues, well then you have to decide if there is a place for them in your personal life.

You cannot change people. You can take control over how you’re treated. Bottom-line is that you’re worthy of respect. You are worthy of being treated with love and understanding, and if someone doesn’t grasp this concept...then are worth the energy?

One of my favorite scriptural verses is, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” (Psalm 139:14).

Never forget that you were created by a mighty God who loves you above all things. You are more important than the rotation of the sun, the flow of the tides, even the movement of the universe. The very God that created all things loves you more than our human finite minds can comprehend. Your talents, your laugh, your smile...your very essence is a necessary part of this world, and we all need the gifts that you offer.

No, I’m not claiming we are perfect or that we should sit on a pedestal because we’re better than everyone else. I’m saying that we are all human, and within our flaws there is a beauty and humility that we should appreciate.

Bad days will come and you will want to berate yourself for not measuring up. Go ahead, call me...I know what that feels like. We can remind each other how important we are in the eyes of God. We can laugh at our silly mistakes over coffee, share some cake, and treat each other with the respect that we deserve.

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