Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sliced, Diced...and Still Broken (You're Beautiful)

All of the diets and weight-loss fads might fix the outside...but your inside will still be bruised, beaten, and torn. No amount of cosmetic surgery or botox injections will fill that little hole in your heart that makes you cry at night when no one can hear you.

There is no physical cure for feeling rejected, no matter what the T.V. tells you. Your obsession with physical perfection will never, ever make you feel truly, deeply, and genuinely loved.

I know this isn't easy to hear, and most of you have stopped reading by now. It's alright, I understand. No really, I do. We live in a world where being young and pretty is valued above all else. Where a woman is judged by the size of her breasts rather than the size of her heart. It's easy to fall prey to the belief that if you look a certain way, love will be easy and life will be perfect. That somehow you can have the things that genetics denied you, and all will be right with the world.

But it's all a lie. A big, dangerous, and painful lie.

You can perfect the outside, but that doesn't fix what is broken on the inside. If you're lonely, lost, and feeling like you're missing out on life...then no amount of Botox is going to change that. You might look better, and feel better about yourself for a bit, but how will that last? A week? A month?

Not until you face yourself, flaws and all, will you understand your true value. Not until you embrace your uniqueness, will you learn to accept yourself.

I count myself fortunate that my faith has taught me that God loves me regardless of my physical attributes. No matter what my flaws, His love prevails...and nothing will ever change that. This is a truth that comforts me when my thoughts turn to the beauty of my youth. No matter what, I'm still beautiful...still important and valuable. In fact, I have never felt better about myself than I do now. Those who know me, the real me that dwells inside a flawed shell, are the only people worthy of letting into my life.

If you judge me by how I look, then you are not a person that I have time for because you have not learned how to truly love people. You still need to grow.

Now I'm not opposed to the occasional nip and tuck, or other physical enhancements per se...I'm a huge fan of glamor myself and partake daily of the glitz and gloss offered by the various cosmetic empires. And I certainly don't judge those who choose to go the way of the knife or needle. However, I do wonder how much of that outer work is done to cover up the inner need for love and acceptance.

I think the song by MercyMe says it best and I recommend you take a moment and give it a listen. You are beautiful, no matter what the world says. You are loved and cherished by a mighty God, and those who take the time to know you will see your value and never let you go.

Should you ever doubt your worth, give me a call. We'll share a cup of coffee and I'll tell you all of the great and wonderful things about you....namely, that you're you and no one else will ever compare. Ever. You're beautiful, just the way you are.


  1. thank you. this needs to be shared by so many. God made each of us in His own image. Beauty is in the inside of all of us. We need to bring our beauty out for all to see. It's not the size of our bodies, but the size of our hearts. I love this video and song. Thank you MercyMe. and thank you for this wonderful blog.

  2. Thank you for your kind words and so very well said. ♥


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