Saturday, November 6, 2010

Cliff Diving

For most of my adult life I was a risk taker. I loved new challenges, trying new things, meeting new people, and enjoying life. I never hesitated if I saw a cliff...I just dove right off and laughed on the way down. Sometimes I hit the bottom and bruised my bum, and sometimes I caught a good wind and soared through the clouds. Either way, I loved every minute of it.

Besides, living a life of adventure would give me something to smile about if I made it to old age. Just imagine the stories I would be able to tell.

But after my divorce I felt judged and rejected. My self-esteem was bruised, my heart was battered, and I shut down emotionally. During this time I stopped taking chances out of fear of being hurt or humiliated again. I discovered ways to earn approval, and I sought praise. I was so afraid of rejection, I wanted acceptance from everyone. This felt nice for a little while, but I missed Me...and I was bored.

Thankfully my close friends stuck it out with me and reminded me that no matter how badly I screw things up, no matter how much I suck at life...God will never reject me, and He will still think I'm pretty awesome, even if others don't. This truth gave me the strength to start jumping off of cliffs face life with open arms and courage, rather than fear.

One of those cliffs that needed courage was dating. I was in no mood to remarry, had no inclination of putting my heart on the line again, and certainly didn't want to be tied up in another suffocating relationship. Needless to say, when I met my husband I sucked it up and jumped. And yes, I'm still soaring with one of the world's most amazing men every created.

I know there are people who spend an enormous amount of time standing on the cliff just looking over the edge...but never finding the courage to jump. That fear of failure holds them hostage and they watch dreams die rather than take a chance.

There are negative consequences for hitting the bottom, no doubt about it. Sometimes it's public ridicule, other times it's financial failure or a broken heart.

However, there are positive consequences for soaring, like fulfilling a dream or meeting new friends.

Some guy named Newton once said that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. These reactions are often wonderful, but sometimes they really suck. Embrace it and remember that you can count on two things: your real friends will always stick by you, and God will always love you. Nothing you do will ever change this, and even if you do hit the bottom...there will be a nice, soft mattress to land on.

So, if you are standing on the cliff wondering whether or not you should jump into an adventure, remember that one day we might be sitting in our rocking chairs together and reminiscing about our past. Will you smiling and telling me grand stories, or will you be wishing you had some of your own?

(Thanks to Allison for the "great stories" reference.)

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