Friday, April 20, 2012

The Best of You

There is a rather interesting term called the Crab Bucket Syndrome that I first heard about through one of my favorite authors, Terry Pratchett.  The idea is that a group of crabs trapped in a pail cannot escape because they spend their energy pulling each other down and sabotaging their fellow prisoner’s attempts at finding freedom rather than helping each other out.
In the end, they all end up trapped and miserable.
Even when I didn’t know what it was called, I had seen it in action many, many times...and you probably have to.  There is something about watching others succeed that some people cannot tolerate.  Why?  I haven’t a guess, but it is a sad thing to watch and a horrible experience to live through.
Thankfully, there is a way out of the bucket...but like most things, it doesn’t come easy.
You are an amazing creation.  You have many, many good qualities and strengths from which to draw from.  You have the ability to pull through the tough times, to shake off the doubters and move towards your goals.  It does require you to put on blinders and learn to ignore those who like to remind you of your past mistakes.  We all have flaws that should be acknowledged however, there really isn't any need to dwell on them if doing so is going to keep you from moving forward.  No, not an easy thing to do...but you can do it.
The next time someone decides to enlighten you about your weaknesses, or you begin to doubt yourself, focus on the things you are good at.  Make lists if necessary, write them on the bathroom mirror, leave yourself notes on the refrigerator door listing your best qualities.  I don’t care what you have to do, or how you do it.  Just don’t let them drag you down, don’t let them keep you down in that smelly bucket living in misery simply because they can’t see the positive in their own lives.
And once you’re out, reach down and help someone else escape.  Because if we give up now, then the crabs win.

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