Saturday, January 14, 2012


Can you judge me by the color of my skin? My ethnic heritage? The color of my sin?

No. You are just like me, my equal in mortality. A flesh bound soul on a journey towards...somewhere, and your goals are no more noble than mine. Your rights are no more important.

Can you judge me by the size of my bank account?

No. I own it, it does not own me. I am not a slave to the almighty dollar. I have not given my will over to the captains of greed and praying for the power that some believe comes from net gains and the loss of dignity.

My worth was complete the moment my lungs filled with the fresh air of life and I announced my existence in a scream of shock and excitement. My membership in the race of humanity guarantees the sanctity of my value. It cannot be taken from me by societal conditions and arbitrary media decisions.

It is my birthright.

The promise of my God and my faith remains fast. Your choices do not influence mine. Your thoughts do not cloud my vision. You can celebrate the glory of heavens with me, or remain safe in your own beliefs...I wish you comfort either way. I wish you peace. But you cannot change me or make me less because my mind does not acquiesce to yours. I am different, and that is the beauty of me. Curse my intellect because it defies the popular, but it is mine to utilize and I will exercise my right to see the world in my own view.

Thank you.

A man once spoke of a dream, a day when colorblind is the new normal. A woman once sat in the front, too tired to move any further, but strong enough to fight the lie of the devalued. A man across the sea once refused food in search of equality, as another fueled a movement of desegregation from a prison.

Their worth is no greater than ours. But their hearts had the courage to own their value and they understood the importance that lives in every soul. They were brave enough to shout out the truth of a communal worth, sometimes with words. I admire brave and salute courage. I hail the heart willing to speak honestly of an equal humanity.

It is a truth that illuminates greatest when we work together, even if some still refuse to see it shine.

As this nation pauses to celebrate the birth of a courageous man, I am grateful for Dr. King’s clarity of vision and boldness of words. I am grateful that he could see through the haze of hate and acknowledge our worth.

Your worth. And mine. Equal in value.

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