Sunday, December 5, 2010

Mental Clutter

Life is messy, untidy, and unpredictable in the best of times. The princess doesn't always get the prince, the hero doesn't always win, and sometimes the bad guys get away with it...despite what the stories say.

That's just how it is and nothing you do will change it.

Occasionally life gets too messy to handle and things start to wear on you. Even the most seasoned veterans of life's battles need a break. Sometimes the mess begins to pile up and it's time to step back and focus on what really matters. Time to focus on the things that will make a real difference in the world.

We all multi-task to the point of's like juggling 27 oranges with one hand tied behind our back. Eventually we'll drop one no matter how good we are.

Time to remember who you are and why you're here.

The first step in clearing away the clutter is to acknowledge it. There is no shame in realizing that you're juggling too many oranges; nothing to apologize for and no need to make explanations. You're human. It's okay to drop an orange. Or two.

The next step is to reevaluate your priorities. Find your passion and hold on to it with both hands (and your teeth if necessary). Working towards goals that excite you and help to remind you of your purpose.

Passion offers us the motivation necessary to face the everyday messes.

Finally, embrace the mess and learn to love the untidiness of life. It isn't going to be easy...nothing worth doing ever is. Each new day brings in new issues, new pieces of debris, and new emotional upsets.

You might be tempted to make excuses, to give up. Don't. It isn't worth it. Put the oranges down and take a deep breath. When you jump back in, be sure you know which ones you will be picking up, and which ones can wait.

This is the adventure that is life. It is beautiful and disastrous and ever changing.

When I feel bogged down by the amount of clutter in my life I take a breather and ruminate on why I am here. I remind myself that I was created for a purpose and that no one can fill my proverbial shoes.

I remember who I am.

If you are overwhelmed by the clutter in life, you're not alone. We've all been there. Feel free to call me up and we can share some chocolate and share our passions. We can recharge each other, commiserate and ruminate.

Or we can do nothing at all.

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